Friday, August 19, 2011


TYI arises awareness of ICT to secondary school students, it achieves this by conducting trainings, workshops, forums, exhibitions and developing ICT tools
These are some of YTI members setting up their infrastructures before starting the workshop at Chang'ombe demonstration secondary school

Welcome YTI to our beautiful school, we are so anxious to know what you have brought for us, Karibuni sana. These are some of Chang'ombe students trying to invite YTI mebers and make them feel at Home
Wow it looks so interesting....! can you see it?, this is what these students seem to discuss before the workshop started

Some of YTI members introducing themselves and their purpose for being there infront of the students before the workshop started, from left Amri Benard, Jerda Joas, Stephano Amoni(chairperson), Hermes Asenga, Emmanuel Nelson, Lekhanditsove Ngulwa and Festus Ndalama(secretary)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Aiming for innovation in new generation network technology

Today Focus is made on 3 things hardwares, softwares and applications. One   aspect arising out of those 3 things is Security of Computer Communication. Keep this on mind “What we want to do next and What type of lifestyle we want in the future, then ICT technology can be used to achieve that dream.

Classroom Innovation Awards.

 How can we teach SPREADSHEET Formula in an easy, innovative and memorable way? Watch this video.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Introduction To Linux/ubuntu

From right our Guest from Open University Tanzania Mr Jaalan and  Thabit

Instructor from Youth  Technology Initiative Jacob Mwakasindile

Introduction To Linux/ubuntu

From right our Guest from Open University Tanzania Mr Jaalan and  Thabit

Instructor from Youth  Technology Initiative Jacob Mwakasindile

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Azania student

Some of the Azania student who were waiting for the event(training)

Invoking ICT Inspiration

YTI Conducted an ICT training at Azania Secondary School  sometime in April concernerning "importance of ICT on social economic development"